Monday, June 14, 2010

Wowza.. it's been a while

Hi everyone out there!! I don't know if anyone really reads blogs anymore, but I'm going to revive this one. I need an outlet to share all of my adventures to Disney World and my passion to get to the parks as been reignited with the purchase of a seasonal pass. Yes, it's blacked out right now, but I may cave in and upgrade it to an annual. I get these addictive fits where I just HAVE to go to the parks. Can you blame me being so close to the magic?? Well I hope everyone out there is doing well and I will post a new blog VERY soon. Take care!


Tim's Blog said...

Blog away Jackie! We need to know what's going on at WDW.

Jackie O. said...

Thanks Tim! Certainly working on it. :) Thanks for reading!!