Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ashes to Ashes

Check out this article

It seems that last Friday at Disneyland California, Pirates of the Caribbean was closed down because a woman was caught on video by cast members dumping a suspicious powder into the attractions waters. Just what was this suspicious powder? The woman claims it was baby powder, but some people are suspecting it is something more like human ashes. If this is the case, this action is completely illegal.

Now, I don't know how many of you have heard about this, but I have known about this for a while. Am I the only weirdo that isn't bothered by this? I mean, yeah, it's a little creepy, but who wouldn't want to be laid to rest at the happiest place on earth? So, if park management knows that something like this is occuring, why not do something about it? Why not have an area where people could have their last respects paid at their favorite Disney park? Ok, so maybe that would freak out the general public, but I still don't think it's a horrible idea. Let's admit it, the parks have been around for a really long time and I'm sure this has been happening for just at long. People aren't going to just stop scattering ashes within the parks (whether or not they "really" are). Could you imagine if someone you knew asked you to do this? Not that anyone has ever asked me to, but, what would you say if someone told you that their last wish was to have their ashes scattered in the Haunted Mansion or in the waters of the Jungle Cruise? Would you say no? Would you want the same thing? Tough question, huh? Maybe Disney can buy up some land and make a Cemetary that doesn't feel so drab and morbid like most Cemetarys do. Just an idea.... lol

I guess this just isn't something that shocks me. People are crazy, they do crazy things and this would be one of them.. If that is someone's dying wish, so be it. I'm not going to let touching a rail with someones cremated ashes on it ruin my day. I'm sure everyone now thinks I'm crazy, but that's ok. It just further proves my point. What do you guys think? Do you agree? Do you think it's disgusting? Do you want your ashes spread around Disney World? After all, Jackie O. always wants to know, so spill it!

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